Wednesday, October 11, 2006

World Conflicts

The most current problem the world involves North Korea. Imagine a country that openly hates the United States, already posses the material to make a nuclear weapon. Now imagine that the same country already successfully tested a nucleur bomb. North Korea has achieved this and with this hopes to join the club. Basically the a club that only countries with nuclear weapons can join. Almost every nation, uncling one of North Korea's biggest ally China has frowned at the actions of North Korea, hoping to stop them at their testing in its tracks.
In a way nuclear bombs prevents nations from going down the path of World War III. Countries are afraid to engage in full combat with other countries that pocess weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons act as invisible shields that prevent wars among Super Nations. It is normal to fear a country that has nuclear weapons especially if it is a country with a small source of economy. North Korea is a country that does not have enough resources to take care of its people, so how would it take care of its nuclear weapons. A country that has little money, has a bigger potential of selling its nuclear weapons to other countries that might hate the U.S.That is why alot of nations fear North Koreas plans for nuclear weapons We should not fear the future though because it would be a mistake to use nuclear weapons on the United States. It would be a mistake because the U.S has one of the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons.
What we need to do is find other ways of preventing the use of nuclear weapons, but that may have it own set of problems. If nuclear weapons were to become obsolete, the invisible shield that prevents a large scale wars would go down. The world is full a conflict new and more dangerous weapons will be created and hopefully future generations will find ways to make lasting peace.


Monday, October 09, 2006


There are alot of problems with the world. Humans were to built to compete with one another to reach the top. That is why some of us become successful. Is this fair? Do we all have an equal chance to achieve our goals. For every person that succeeds there are plenty more that fail. Statistically there has to be that people that will fail. These people are doomed to fail no matter how hard they try to succeed. Im not that saying that people that make it, have not earned it, what im trying to say is that some people that tried and failed deserve it to. Yet life still puts them down. Why is that? To succeed in life we need ambition, education and alot of luck. Im not talking about having a comfortable life, im talking about being able to do what you want and more in your with your live. Not just to see the world but to take everything in, but that requires alot of money. The amount of money a small percentage of people have. So how has the right to succeed?